Xbox One Dev Kits and OS Update Improves GPU Power

Microsoft-Xbox-OneThe hate coals being heaped on Xbox One by PlayStation fanatics and PC “master race” mainstays for its lesser graphical performance have been not been small nor quiet.  The 1080p debate has been brought up time and time again and, while it’s not the most important thing to define a gaming console, it is something to be weighed when a consumer is considering which console to buy.  Usually, the Xbox One outputs at 792p or 900p for bigger released games (like Titanfall, Ryse or Watch Dogs) and only occasionally tap into a full 1080p native image (Forza 5, Halo: Spartan Assault, Wolfenstein: The New Order).  Today, along with the release of the June update for the Xbox One operating system, Microsoft also included significant increases to GPU bandwidth through software improvements and an updated development kit for studios building games for the platform.  The result will be greater graphical power readily available for games and could be the difference maker in seeing 900p and 1080p be the two most common resolutions.  1080p may still not be the mainstay resolution with the new update, especially for games like Battlefield that have massive amounts of players on a map simultaneously, but it moves the needle in that direction at the very least.  DirectX 12 will probably be the final nail in the coffin when it comes around later this year (though we won’t expect to see any DX12 games on Xbox or PC until middle of 2015).

The stock for Xbox One continues to rise as Microsoft backpedals more of their initial marketing and sales strategies.  The omission of Kinect will give gamers a cheaper option for picking up an Xbox One and these software enhancements will make current and potential buyers feel comfortable with an investment.  Whether you believe Microsoft’s policy alterations since last year’s E3 are all good or not, the important thing is the platform is improving and gaining momentum in the press over PlayStation.  With big exclusives likely seeing new light next week at the Los Angeles-hosted E3 Expo Microsoft may finally have the opportunity to electrify their new platform with great games that offer more unique experiences than the rival platforms.  This is the most exciting time of year in terms of news and we’re all ready to have the floodgates released upon us.