A Look Ahead For Games on Xbox One

New ImageSo you’ve got Titanfall, Battlefield, Need For Speed, Ryse, etc. for your Xbox One console and have played much of what those games have to offer.  The content on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 have been little more than meager in their first five months at retail.  So what do Xbox One owners/would-be owners have to look forward to?  Here’s a brief look at what’s coming over the next few months.


  • Battlefield 4: Naval Strike – Battlefield 4 still runs strong even though it had a catastrophic launch.  Naval Strike, the next set of DLC for BF4, shows great promise for more diversity in maps and play style as a lot of water combat and siege-like settings await those that wish to take up arms.  Naval Strike is due out April 25.
  • Trials Fusion – Trials has become the much more beautiful version of old school physics-based racers like “Line Rider” or that old SNES game “Uni Racer”.  Trials Fusion builds upon the game’s already successful heritage and is nearing release.  You can pick Trials up on April 15.
  • Child of Light – A 2D side-scrolling indie-like game from Studio Ghibli.  Child of Light is very artistically driven and focuses on an energy source presented in the form of a light orb that acts as the hero of the game’s essential helper (Navi from Ocarina of Time, anyone?).  The game will probably cost roughly $15 but could be an excellent pick up for those of you looking for something a little different.


  • Wolfenstein: The New Order – MachineGames are back with the newest Wolfenstein entry – an FPS that needs little introduction and will be a great addition to both Xbox One and PS4 shooter libraries.  The game looks very promising from what we’ve seen so far, but what’s interesting is MachineGames having created parity with PS4, XB1, and PC platforms.  Perhaps certain resolutions will be available on PC that aren’t on XB1 or PS4, but MachineGames promised that both the XB1 and PS4 are running @ 1080p and 60 FPS, proving that good looking games can run just the same on the XB1 as they do on the PS4 if you have the right minds behind it learning the XB1 hardware and how it’s meant to be programmed for.
  • Watch Dogs – Originally slated to be a launch title or near-launch title, Watch Dogs suffered set backs to make sure that console and PC variants all performed optimally and that all in-game content was properly constructed and fleshed out before releasing the product.  We’ve seen a bit of this with other titles like Destiny and the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall.  It seems publishers are becoming a hindrance on the quality and completion statuses of games but Watch Dogs has been one of the lucky few to delay since Ubisoft both develop and publish games with their multiple studios.  This technologically slick grand theft auto-inspired action game will have you combing over Chicago as a hacker vigilante and will probably be the best thing to hit consoles for the summer.


  • The Elder Scrolls Online – Those with deep love for the world of Tamriel and previous Elder Scrolls games will be very interested to play ESO.  It blends the worlds of Morrowind, Skyrim and Oblivion into one giant map to explore and pushes the game into online territory with as MMORPG.  After playing the beta for PC it’s hard to get too excited about the game’s new ventures into multiplayer since the combat system is pretty weak compared to the precise systems of other MMOs (World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, The Old Republic, Tera, etc.) but if you’re more into the story side of things and don’t care whether you’re with or without fellow adventurers, ESO may be an excellent find for you.  Perhaps some of the misses that have been found in the already-released PC version are attributed to the fact that Bethesda Soft, the series’ creator, didn’t make this game.
  • E3 / Electronics Entertainment Expo – The Los Angeles, California trade show hosted annually is the biggest stage of them all when it comes to new games tech and games properties being shown off.  This year is going to be big for Microsoft as Phil Spencer, recently appointed head of Xbox (former Microsoft Studios head), has made it clear Microsoft intend to show off a lot of games to generate more excitement over the console.  There are a few yet-to-be-released games that were teased at last years E3 (Sunset Overdrive, Halo 5 to name a couple), but we fully expect to not only see more on those titles but a slew of new unannounced titles that are exclusive to Xbox One.  Several of these announcements could play into the fall/winter 2014-2015 season where other high-profile games are set to launch as well.

As it would seem, there isn’t a wealth of game choices coming out way.  There are a few other titles that will float onto the Xbox One, both indie-developed and movie adaptations (The Amazing Spider-Man 2), but to be honest the real fun will pick up again starting in September when Bungie’s highly anticipated Destiny finally launches.

Are You Ready For The Age of Open World?

Destiny2014 is set to see the release of several games that are considered “open world” types.  Open world is a term used to describe a game with an environment that allows for exploration and freedoms, much like the freedoms you’d experience with Skyrim, Fallout, or typical MMORPGs.  The element of open world allows for a lot of fun and gives you the option to follow a linear storyline and path or be outside of the box, seeing all the creative effort developers put into their title.  It’s quickly becoming a coveted approach to gaming and is one of the promises that the new Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles bring to the table.  PC gaming has had more experience with open world style games in the past, but the PC platform doesn’t always drive trends like consoles do these days.  After all, it was Halo on Xbox that set the tone for the modern FPS genre.  For gamers, there are several titles you should have on your radar if you consider yourself a moderate or core player that invests multiple hours per week into your games library.

Games like Watch Dogs, Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny, and The Division are all aimed to launch before the end of 2014.  All of these games are poised to be heavy hitters.  All of these games are rocking the open world concept in one way or another, and there’s some serious talent behind most of them that could easily take the mantle for game of the year.  If you ask us, Destiny is the favorite since it adopts a lot of MMORPG elements into a shooter, where cooperative play as well as competitive opportunities are littered throughout the game.  An MMOFPS is what we will call it, then, and it will likely have much greater impact than something like Planetside, which stayed in beta for a long time before finally coming to a gradual official launch.  Unlike Planetside, Destiny will be much more friendly for cooperative play and won’t be so aimless or eye-of-the-storm dependent to feel like you’re part of any action.  Just like World of Warcraft, this game will be enjoyed by yourself or with friends and, also like WoW, there will be incredible depth.

ESO2That’s really what open world boils down to – depth.  The more immersive and custom the experience, the greater the returns.  Fallout is a great example of single player story-driven shooters in an open world setting that could easily net you 50-150 hours of playthrough as long as you weren’t content on just going through the main story without any side questing.  These types of games are the ones that truly earn your $60 investment and will find ways to keep you around for longer periods of time than the likes of any Call of Duty title with DLC if for no other reason than the DLC being expansion pack caliber, offering entire new pockets of the world you’re playing in with what is called “end game content” – that is, content that you play the entire game to get to and then must master in order to overcome it and receive its benefits (typically weapon or gear rewards).  A properly balanced MMORPG easily steals away hours upon hours of your life and it’s these games that you should look to invest in, even if you only invest in one or two for the whole year.

Titanfall is excellent, but the game is strictly online and competitive based within smaller-type levels that keep you near enemy combatants to drive action at all times.  These new open world games won’t necessarily opt for that direct approach as much, but games like Elder Scrolls Online tend to keep the action within reach should you really want to get crazy, though no game will likely offer the kind of blitzkrieg pacing that Titanfall has offered us so far.  Enjoy all the games you can, but the best values in the biz are about to crash our next-gen platforms and make us realize that, even though the graphics aren’t going to always compare well with the PC offerings, the sheer scale and content availability of these new titles are the reasons why the developers putting these games together are excited to have new hardware like the Xbox One around to make games on.

Multiplatform Games To Look Out For In 2014

Earlier we published a little article about Xbox One exclusive titles to look forward to over the next year.  But those aren’t the only games to get excited about next year.  There are several highly-anticipated games coming to several of the new consoles that you should have your eye on.  Here’s list of all the new games on the way in 2014 and a little background on each one.

2014 Games TO Watch For

Destiny – Former Halo creators and developers Bungie are out to show the world that they weren’t just a one-trick pony.  Halo is no longer theirs, but something as intriguing and adventurous is.  Destiny is an open-world shooter that feels like a descendant of the wild world of MMORPGs (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game).  Games like World of Warcraft, Guild Wars, Star Wars: The Old Republic, and more all focus on great story arcs that you play through as a unique character that starts from humble origins and becomes one of many heroes to walk the world you’re involved in.  Destiny aims to build a shooter that follows a very similar strategy, only instead of this being strictly an MMORPG that uses keyboard and mouse configurations, you’ll be playing something more like an MMOFPS (First Person Shooter).  You’ll have missions to complete to advance your character and you’ll be able to play with or against other people in a great big world just waiting to be explored.  Things like deep weapon customization and character skill trees will be a part of Destiny as well.  You’ll build your character to be proficient in certain ways, so you can play and be powerful as you wish to be but you won’t be some war deity that’s able to take on whatever you wish.  Most of the game looks to work similar to Guild Wars 2, where “dynamic events” will happen in real time in a certain area, and you and people in the area will have to work together to overcome a situation that would likely be impossible to conquer by yourself.  So far, Destiny looks like it will be an easy nominee for game of the year in 2014.  Destiny launches sometime in September according to Bungie.

The Division – Tom Clancy games are never in scarcity.  More often then not that’s a good thing, and The Division seeks to drastically improve the brand and introduce a bigger world for you and your friends to adventure, shoot, and survive through.  The Division takes place in and around Manhattan, but in a more ravaged and collapsed New York and United States as a whole (from what we’ve seen so far).  Gameplay trailers showcase the new Snowdrop engine, which makes The Division look like one of the most beautiful games ever made, both on consoles and PCs.  You and your friends will be able to form a squad and search through the city streets and various locations in order to scavenge for food, equipment, weapons and who knows what else.  This, of course, means that other people will be scavenging for items, and should you come across other squads/factions within the city, a firefight will almost certainly follow.  There are non-competitive objectives to take part in as well, but at no point are you safe from the worlds inhabitants.  The one cherry on top of this seemingly excellent new title is the ability to use things like Xbox’s Smartglass application to connect to the game and, from what we’ve been shown through early looks of the game, offer support and scouting to online friends through small drones that can hover several feet over players’ heads.  We’re still waiting for an official launch date on this one.

Thief – Square Enix continue to venture outside of their Final Fantasy series with new and re-invigorated installments.  Thief is technically a reboot, but is not meant to repeat what it starts back in 1998.  You’ll play the character Garrett, and while the plot isn’t fully known yet, we do know that this will be a highly explorative game that highly favors stealth and strategy over combat skills.  In fact, the game is designed for you to be incredibly handy in just about everything but all-out combat.  You’ll be able to handle yourself in a 1-on-1 situation, but as soon as you find yourself in a 2-on-1 or even more overwhelming situation your only survivable option will be to tuck tail and run.  Other games like Assassin’s Creed an Dishonored give you a wider approach to every situation, but Thief aims to stay true to your characters role and strongly encourage you to avoid conflict at all costs.  You are a thief, after all.  Graphically, Thief looks great and vast.  But the way you move about and accomplish objectives requires great attention to little things.  For instance, you may need to find a hidden safe or container that holds information or equipment that you need.  You will know where to go, but perhaps not exactly sure where to find the item(s).  So be ready to look under desks, various rooms, or behind paintings to find what you’re looking for.  Thief launches February 25, 2014.

Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes/Phantom Pain – Good ol’ Snake is back, but this time he’s not just on PlayStation or Nintendo and he’s a bit older.  The primary Metal Gear franchise is finally being released on all platforms, including the Xbox One, without any delays or shenanigans.  I remember playing the very first Metal Gear Solid and falling in love with it’s stealth-action formula with a 3rd person camera directly above the player, making for a very interesting and limiting point of view that forced you to play carefully.  Metal Gear has since moved to a more over-the-shoulder point of view, but the world Snake exists in has become larger and more free-form than ever before.  Your battle-tested skills will make you lethal in so many ways, and however you wish to approach a situation or guarded location is entirely up to you.  Ride in the back of a truck with an unknowing driver and get dropped right in the middle of things or go in guns blazing – it doesn’t matter how you go about completing an objective as long as it gets completed.  There’s a lot of story that hasn’t been brought forward, but Ground Zeroes acts as a prologue to Phantom Pain and deals with infiltrating an American black site within Cuba called Camp Omega.  You’ll be extracting a couple of important targets, but the intention of Ground Zeroes is to get you up to speed with what is going on in Phantom Pain.  Ground Zeroes takes places in 1875, just a few months after the events on Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker.  Both games look pretty great and could make for stellar experience.  Both games currently show a March 18-20 release date of this year as last reported by Konami.

The Elder Scrolls Online – The Elder Scrolls has been around for a while.  The recent Skyrim was game of the year in many critics’ eyes and delivered an incredible open world filled with magic, rival factions, cave trolls, and massive dragons.  It sounds like Lord of the Rings, but really there are only light ties as the similarities relate more to the historic time periods from which both franchises borrow from, as opposed to World of Warcraft borrowing heavily from Lord of the Rings itself.  But Elder Scrolls Online is meant to be Bethesda’s attempt at an MMORPG set in the land of Tamriel and allow you to travel between many of the areas that you’ve experienced through the several installments of the franchise.  The main difference is the online aspect, where you’ll be able to play with or against other players.  Elder Scrolls has always been excellent in how it allows you to freely progress through main and side story arcs, but the addition of large open world multiplayer has left many fans of the series in a bit of a questionable state.  The Elder Scrolls also deals with the first person view mode primarily but doesn’t function like a tight shooter like Call of Duty or TitanFall would, so adding more mayhem to the screen could make it tough to effectively battle opponents.  But all will be laid to rest one way or another upon the game’s launch, which is slated for June 2014 on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and April 4, 2014 on PC/Mac.

Final Fantasy XV – Yet another massive franchise that features heavy cinematic elements and round-based combat in super-fantasy worlds.  Xbox gamers might be familiar with the recent Final Fantasy XIII storyline with Lightning and company, but Final Fantasy XV is a new breed of Final Fantasy, which means entirely new characters and storylines.  Final Fantasy has always been a visual spectacle that incorporates incredible on-screen moments and epic battles that feel as if heaven and hell are at all-out war.  These games aren’t meant to have any real grounding to reality but that’s kind of what makes them great – the artistic investment typically pays off heavily.  Sadly, as has been the case in the past, some characters are hard for older audiences to invest in because of subpar voice acting or poorly written scripts.  But most of that gets compensated by the fun and often strategic battles that you’ll endure to reach the story’s end.  It should be noted that Square Enix, developer of Final Fantasy, have gone on record to say that they intend Final Fantasy to be a bit of a departure from previous installments and provide a somewhat darker and more vulnerable character set to make everything more believable.  Saying it is one thing, doing it is another.  But one must figure that anything is possible.  With a better story and good voice acting, Final Fantasy stands to impress a lot of gamers that aren’t hell-bent on competition but creativity in their digital entertainment.  There is no official release date for Final Fantasy XV, and 2014 hasn’t been assured as a launch window but is entirely possible seeing how the game was showcased at E3 2013, and typically games showcased at E3 tend to come out within 18 months unless any major setbacks occur.

Mad Max – Younger gamers probably have no idea who or what Mad Max is, but we’ll keep it simple and just say that this was an old Mel Gibson movie series about a collapsed-economy earth that features barren wastelands and heavy survival themes.  But for gamers, this looks a little bit like Borderlands 2, Rage, and Fallout.  The gameplay hasn’t been fully revealed as only a couple of trailers have made their way onto YouTube from E3 2013.  We do know that it is open world and has a lot of focus on car combat and customization.  Warner Bros. games, the creators of this new title, have put a lot of emphasis on the car combat, touching on the physics of car ramming and the benefits and disadvantages of adding armor or weapon items.  Warner Bros. did want to draw the “anti-hero” that the movies created but not focus on the revenge aspects that fans of the movies might expect.  At this point it’s about surviving and forging alliances to live in a highly competitive and combative world.  There have been some demos put out of the game in the second half of 2013 that made some feel that the combat outside of the cars was a little dumbed down, but seeing how this game was only confirmed for 2014 and they were in pre-alpha build, there is likely still a lot to come.  This isn’t a sure-thing in terms of an excellent game, but the new post-apocalyptic theme is becoming more common but typically delivers great experiences where resources are more scarce and you are more free to progress at your own pace (much like Fallout).

Middle Earth: Shadow of Mordor – Also from Warner Bros., Monolith Games (F.E.A.R.) is all about the Lord of the Rings universe but doesn’t focus on the story arcs of the movies but sits in the timeline in between The Hobbit and LOTR.  The emphasis seems to be about the rings of power and features sandbox style play, which will surely be incredible given the draw and depth to Tolkein’s Middle Earth.  One of the story developers is responsible for the fantastic Red Dead Redemption and Monolith themselves have experiences in darker-themed action titles so we’d expect this to be an excellent licenses game, which is currently intended to be a single-player only experience much like Skyrim.  The team is taking into consideration every possible part of the important people and places of Middle Earth but won’t necessarily copy too much from what is known about the history of the universe.  As the developers have said, it takes place during a time of transition so it almost acts as a sequel to The Hobbit and a prequel to LOTR.  The return of Sauron seems to be a focal point of interest and fuels a lot of the reason for the events that unfold during this game, likely tying into the historical story-telling moments that The Fellowship of the Ring dove into to explain the origins of the one ring and its power.  Due out at an undetermined time within 2014, Shadow of Mordor is one to watch if you’re a fan of Tolkein’s world or can appreciate the great story and immersive aspects that typically come in a game that focuses 100% on single player experiences rather than the competitive nature of multiplayer.

Watch Dogs – Due out in the spring of 2014, Watch Dogs is the digital hackers version of Grand Theft Auto, only so much prettier you’d almost hate to go back and look at GTA.  However, unlike Grand Theft Auto, you play a good guy without a badge.  You’ll engage in information acquisition and warfare, setting out to support the citizens of Chicago, IL by acting as a vigilante who goes after criminals that may be getting away with illegal or illicit activity that gets passed by authorities or gets dismissed in a court of law.  Aiden Pearce, the main character and vigilante at-hand, uses his technical skills to gain access to Chicago’s Central Operating System, a computer mainframe that monitors and controls nearly everything in the city.  It’s through Aiden’s hacking into this system that grants him important information that leads to the tracking and catching of all the bad guys of interest.  This is one to keep an eye on, folks.  If you’re into games like Grand Theft Auto, Crackdown and Saints Row, this is likely to tickle your fancy quite well.

Wolfenstein: The New Order – The ninth installment of the Wolfenstein franchise will take place during the 1960s, continuing to focus on a fictional alternative universe where the Nazis won World War 2.  Players will experience this new title as William Blazkowicz (say that five times fast) where European powers are tasked with launching a counter-offensive to dethrone Nazi reign.  You will apparently be going after prototype super weapons that have been developed by Nazi scientists.  For those that have been playing each Wolfenstein title and are familiar with the progression so far, the idea is that Blazkowicz has suffered some kind of amnesia during a mission that takes place between the previous game and this one and ended up in an asylum for 14 years.  This will be a game about an advanced Nazi army and impossible odds as you set out to save the world.  Confirmed for 2014, Wolfenstein: The New Order is still awaiting a locked-in release date, but for now expect it sometime in the late summer or fall timeframe.

Star Wars: Battlefront 3 – Electronic Arts and DICE, currently responsible for the massive shooter Battlefield 4, are in progress of making the follow up to the hugely anticipated Star Wars: Battlefront/Battlefront 2.  Battlefront 3 continues the large-scale warfare that helped plug shooter gaps on earlier Xbox and PlayStation consoles and were received extremely well give that Star Wars games rarely turned out well at the time.  But this is a confirmed deal after so many years of Star Wars fans wishing for the return of Battlefront, and could release in 2014.  Right now, EA have anticipated an early 2015 release date but some have already begun taking preorders for the title.  This leads us to believe that there is a slight possibility that Battlefront 3 could drop on us in 2014, but don’t hold your breath too long on that one.  2014 is already a crowded game market with other big shooters on consoles or about to be and given that DICE and EA had such a horrific launch of Battlefield 4 they’re likely to take their time in making sure this bad boy is ready to go.  After all, the combined hatred of all Star Wars fans finding out that their much-anticipated gem is broken at launch would likely be enough Force power to kill all of EA and DICE developers wherever they are.  It’s likely that they learned their lesson and Battlefront 3 won’t suffer the same fate as Battlefield 4.  If you haven’t played any Battlefront games, Battlefield is a good starting point for imagination but it does have its subtle tweaks.  No copy-and-paste methods here.

And that about wraps it up.  So much to look forward to in 2014, and there could be even more on the way that we don’t yet know about.  Or perhaps there are a few smaller-billed titles that could end up blowing us all away.  2014 will be perhaps the best quality-wise games year in history.  The real question is, will you have enough cash to throw at all of these likely-awesome titles?  If not, you can always pick them up used, borrow from a friend, or just wait for them to go on sale either digitally or with the physical disc.  XOGS will keep you updated as these games get ready to release.