Battlefield 4 on Xbox One Gets Patched (Finally)

battlefield-4-elozetes-hd-gameteve-1-sThe game to own was supposed to be Battlefield 4 when upgrading to the next generation consoles.  But for gamers on all platforms Battlefield 4 launched with tons of bugs.  The great news is that DICE finally pushed an update to their game on Friday morning that would be rolled out to all servers and players over the next day or two.  If you have been holding out for this update, power on your box and pop in Battlefield because it should be available to download in the background.  This update addresses several issues, but focuses heavily on crashes and the one hit kill bug that many have experienced at one point or another.  DICE commented in their forums that they had originally planned to launch a couple of patches to fix the major issues but they decided to consolidate and push the one big update to smooth out the experience.  Whether it completely fixes everything is still to be determined.  Some reports of lots of Killed in Action goofs still remain post-update and it’s hard to know for sure if all crashes, server or client-side, have been eradicated for good.  Lets hope for the best though because Battlefield 4 is too good to be spoiled by poor software performance.

DICE is in the process of developing a couple other games for launch on new platforms and PCs.  This includes freestyle-running action/thriller Mirrors Edge 2 and the hugely anticipated Star Wars:  Battlefront online shooter that received a lot of buzz when announced at E3 2014.  Lets hope the problems that plagued Battlefield 4 don’t translate to those titles as well.

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