Battlefield 4 Receives Patch After Community Testing

Battlefield 4 hasn’t been in the news for a while.  This is likely due to the fact that it’s over six months old now and only receives DLC every few months.  The game still has a pretty strong presence online on most of its platforms as it’s a game that holds more replayability in multiplayer environments than most games like it would.  The biggest reason to hate Battlefield 4 was attributed to bugs, bugs, and even more bugs when the game launched.  Over the course of the following months, though, DICE would begin to patch the mistakes in the code and server performance.  Today, the game is just about as smooth as it can be (though you can occasionally still experience a hiccup).

Now, DICE is rolling out their latest update to Battlefield 4 with a code performance tweak that is reducing noticeable chunks of code lag that is experienced when players move and interact with their environment.  Things like weapons fire and jumping experienced frame lag of roughly 14-15 FPS (or, 1/4 of a second in most cases).  This doesn’t sound like much, but when you’re required to use twitch reflexes to counter enemy fire or evade it then every moment you should have to react should be available.  The resulting improvements of this patch have cut as much as 60% of the frame lag that occurred in certain tests.  We’ll never see zero-lag when online play is the topic of discussion – you’d have to run your games on local area networks to see that kind of performance, but this code improvement will likely be noticeable in-game and can help those players that have the capacity to duck behind cover in a moments notice or swing around to shoot an enemy in a last ditch effort to survive.

Battlefield Hardline Is The Next Battlefield Game For 2014

Battlefield 4 was both a glorious step forward for the series and tragic step back for functional quality.  There’s no secrets about how buggy the game was, yet with all of its imperfections it still manages to be one of the best shooter experiences on any platform.  Battlefield 4 won’t see a direct successor for at least another year or two but EA isn’t sitting back and waiting for Battlefield 5 to find its way to release status.  Battlefield Hardline looks to be the next iteration of Battlefield and it looks pretty darn good.

A leaked game trailer video got loose this week and is hitting the internet hard as well as plenty of information via EA’s Battlelog.  Gamespot and IGN have already done their run-throughs but we’ll provide Polygon’s video trailer to give you a brief rundown of what is to come.  E3 is right around the corner so we won’t have to wait long for EA’s official announcement of the game and their account of what we can expect.  One thing we do know is that DICE is not involved with this game but rather Dead Space developer Visceral Games.  new game modes and a cops & robbers approach are all in store.  We’re excited for Battlefield to take a another big step forward without reproducing itself like Call of Duty has done in the past.  Keep this one on your radar for when E3 kicks off in June!

Polygon Battlefield Hardline Trailer:

Think TitanFall 2 Will Be On PlayStation? Go Home, You’re Drunk

titanfall2 demo ps4 xb1There are analysts coming forward about the plan to push TitanFall 2 on the PS4 in 2017, when they expect the next iteration to come out.  While it may not be the greatest stretch of the imagination ever, thinking Respawn and EA would launch on additional platforms, it’s also the least likely scenario of the possible venture into a sequel of the yet-to-be-released TitanFall.  Michael Pachter, one analyst pushing the idea of a multi-console TitanFall 2 the most, goes on record to say:

“I think that this might be the last exclusive that you see from a third-party for a long, long time. I think that had [EA] known at the time that the Xbox One was going to be $100 more than the PS4, I don’t think that they would have done it. I think that they believed that Microsoft was going to kick Sony’s butt this cycle”.

There is a shred of possibility to the statement of third-party exclusives, but that shred is basically dangling in the .1% category.  It could happen, but realistically it won’t.  The reason why is simple: business competition.  Microsoft bought the exclusivity deal for TitanFall.  This wasn’t EA or Respawn saying “yeah, lets cut 1/3 of our profits and sell exclusively on Xbox and PC”.  No, this was Microsoft being strategic and offering the cash up to keep Sony out of the picture and give Microsoft its first exclusive that really drives the reason to buy an Xbox One way over any reason to buy a PlayStation 4.  There are plenty of good games on both next-gen consoles but the reality is neither have offered up anything that demands your decision to buy one or the other.  The Xbox One has more unique exclusives to its platform, but Sony would likely catch up before the summer of 2014 with games like Infamous: Second Son.  Still, TitanFall is Microsoft investment in itself, just like the Xbox-exclusive Halo was back in 2001 when it launched.  There were hardly any other reasons to buy an Xbox, but it didn’t matter because it had Halo and that’s all that mattered in the world to FPS gamers at the time, and Halo was owned by Bungie and Microsoft went forward to acquire Bungie for the game – a piece of history that we shouldn’t expect to repeat itself, but a partnership is certainly likely.

To get back to Pachter and his thoughts on TitanFall 2 being multiplatform:

“I don’t think that you will see EA go exclusive for Titanfall 2. I would guess that this is not a multi-game exclusive deal, it’s just for one – and I think that [the next game] will most definitely come to the PS4.  It probably isn’t going to come out for three years, so it’s probably a 2017 release, but it’ll probably be worth the wait”

This, again, is not the likeliest scenario.  If Microsoft wants to keep the money coming, locking a TitanFall 2 deal would be a big step in doing so.  This all depends on the success of the first game, but at this point it’s kind of silly to assume TitanFall will be anything other than the true Call of Duty killer – one that will destroy that franchise’s popularity and restore balance to the gaming order (something we feel has been long overdue and welcome with great joy).  Microsoft have the cash to spend and the Xbox One is nearing its comeback tour after a first round win going to Sony for consoles sold.  Pachter makes the claims that foresight on the Xbox One’s $100 price difference would have swayed EA from striking this deal and that Sony’s expected demise not coming true changes the winds of favor for future titles in the franchise.  Not true.  This game will launch on PC, and there are a legions of gamers on PC that aren’t buying Xbox One or PS4 and will happily pick this game on via Origin and play the crap out of it.  The PC sales could easily top ten million, though anything is possible either up or down.

The very best EA could hope for between both XB1 and PS4 platforms is maybe nine million, and that’s if every single console owner picks up a copy of TitanFall.  But there’s more – the Xbox 360 will see a TitanFall launch on March 25, and since there’s well over 70 million of those in the world, there’s a chance to cash in heavily on that platform as well.  To be honest, TitanFall on PS3 and PS4 would have probably delayed the game several more months because these platforms are somewhat unique and testing would have taken much longer to get through before being in a comfortable place to launch, meaning we’d still probably be in the “looking ahead” stages instead of being less than one week from launch.  There’s also the angle of the PS4’s dominance being attributed solely because of more market availability and its recent Japan launch.  Having fifty markets for PS4 to the XB1’s mere thirteen is a huge advantage, but the One will pick up the slack this year and it will catch up rapidly with Sony.  TitanFall will ensure that as it has moving power and it’s about to launch in an Xbox One bundle that makes the game essentially free when you purchase an Xbox One.  A deal like that will greatly help the One move all on its own, but TitanFall as a standalone game is going to push millions of console out the door and Prachter’s whole debacle of EA shying away from exclusivity in the future due to PS4’s stronger out-the-gate sales erodes.

In the end, EA lose little or nothing.  Having more potential customers is nice, but there’s a good chance that EA understand the long game that Microsoft is playing and TitanFall will ultimately sell more on the Xbox platform than Sony’s PlayStation platform even if it were released on both consoles to start.  To that end, we recommend you never, ever, ever listen to analysts on gaming trends & predictions.  They’ve been incorrectly forecasting gaming trends for years and, unfortunately, game-based publications have been going along with them.  In the normal business world, it’s easier to work with these kinds of forecasting, but in the gaming world there’s a much greater openness to how business is conducted and to say that a yet-to-be-confirmed TitanFall 2 is a lock-in for PS4 is likely Prachter hoping he’s right to earn credibility rather than being smart about assessing the bigger picture.  Nobody can predict the outcome of the next TitanFall game unless you work for Respawn or the part of EA handling the franchise.  But what you should remember is that Microsoft is able to drop the cash to keep it on Xbox and away from PlayStation and that they will not hesitate to go there after they’ve seen the impact that the game has on their platform.  In fact, Sony won’t have the ability to drop cash on any big sellers in the near future because the rest of their company is becoming a meteoric disaster (TVs, computing especially).  Still, just like Halo over a decade ago, TitanFall will make the Xbox One the better purchase simply because you will want to play this with all your friends.  If you were going to place any bets, you’d probably be better off betting on Microsoft, especially with all the team-play going on between Respawn Entertainment and the Xbox hardware/software engineering groups to improve the console.

UPDATE: If you’re wondering what the next most likely scenario is to Microsoft paying to keep TitanFall an Xbox console exclusive, you’ll likely see Microsoft shell some cash out for a timed-exclusive similar to what Sony is doing for Destiny and what Microsoft has done with Call of Duty in recent years.  Microsoft can pay to delay another TitanFall game by weeks or even months to get people to opt for the Xbox version over the PlayStation version.  We still think Microsoft will go for a console exclusive move to support the sales of its consoles down the road, but in the event they decide they don’t need to then this would be the next most likely scenario to play out in years to come under the assumed TitanFall franchised.

TitanFall Beta Signups Are Live – TitanFall Footage Available Online

If you head over to, you’ll be able to sing up for the PC and Xbox One multiplayer betas, which are said to go live somewhere around 2.14 and 2.17.  For the record: these two dates have been reported by different sources, but the announcement video showed 2.14.  TitanFall is getting heaps of praise and heavy press coverage right now as closed beta invite gameplay footage has been allowed to make it’s way to various news reporting sites.  Over at, there is a 24-minute gameplay video available if you really want to see this game in action.  But if you are looking for a description of what is to come, “controlled insanity” might be the best way to summarize TitanFall.  In interviews with Respawn Entertainment devs, TitanFall is said to be designed with a balanced approach to open conflict that avoids one-sided domination by either team.  The game will make newbies feel good about their skills and make skilled players feel incredible, something found in a game like Battlefield but with a smaller learning curve.  All the words in the world can’t really give you a good idea of what to expect, so peruse the web and find your in-game footage videos.  For the moment, enjoy the beta signup video which shows TitanFall’s nearly-finished HD graphics.

Speaking of graphics, TitanFall may not run at 1080p on Xbox One but Respawn Entertainment is working with Microsoft to create a superior upscaling method to narrow the differences in detail between a 720p or 900p image and one set natively at 1080p.  We haven’t heard anything for sure about the final product, only that the game is output at 1080p but whether that’s its native resolution remains to be confirmed.  Graphics aren’t everything, yet they are the most noticeable element of any game.  TitanFall will look good, it’s just a question of how good it will look.

Battlefield 4 on Xbox One Gets Patched (Finally)

battlefield-4-elozetes-hd-gameteve-1-sThe game to own was supposed to be Battlefield 4 when upgrading to the next generation consoles.  But for gamers on all platforms Battlefield 4 launched with tons of bugs.  The great news is that DICE finally pushed an update to their game on Friday morning that would be rolled out to all servers and players over the next day or two.  If you have been holding out for this update, power on your box and pop in Battlefield because it should be available to download in the background.  This update addresses several issues, but focuses heavily on crashes and the one hit kill bug that many have experienced at one point or another.  DICE commented in their forums that they had originally planned to launch a couple of patches to fix the major issues but they decided to consolidate and push the one big update to smooth out the experience.  Whether it completely fixes everything is still to be determined.  Some reports of lots of Killed in Action goofs still remain post-update and it’s hard to know for sure if all crashes, server or client-side, have been eradicated for good.  Lets hope for the best though because Battlefield 4 is too good to be spoiled by poor software performance.

DICE is in the process of developing a couple other games for launch on new platforms and PCs.  This includes freestyle-running action/thriller Mirrors Edge 2 and the hugely anticipated Star Wars:  Battlefront online shooter that received a lot of buzz when announced at E3 2014.  Lets hope the problems that plagued Battlefield 4 don’t translate to those titles as well.