Forget Beta Codes, TitanFall Beta Available To All Xbox One Owners – PC To Follow

The TitanFall beta has become the feeding frenzy of the year.  Gamers on the Xbox and PC platforms have been clamoring for beta codes left and right.  Only some Xbox One owners were receiving beta codes after signing up.  We haven’t been told as to whether it was just random selection or not, but Respawn Entertainment’s Vince Zampella confirmed over Twitter last night that the beta will be fully open to all Xbox One owners.  So, if you’re still wanting to play but never picked up a beta key, head on over to the Xbox One’s Games section via the Dashboard and you’ll see TitanFall’s beta (if it isn’t advertised on the main page).  PC players can expect TitanFall to be opened up soon via Origin as well.  Good hunting!

TitanFall Beta Signups Are Live – TitanFall Footage Available Online

If you head over to, you’ll be able to sing up for the PC and Xbox One multiplayer betas, which are said to go live somewhere around 2.14 and 2.17.  For the record: these two dates have been reported by different sources, but the announcement video showed 2.14.  TitanFall is getting heaps of praise and heavy press coverage right now as closed beta invite gameplay footage has been allowed to make it’s way to various news reporting sites.  Over at, there is a 24-minute gameplay video available if you really want to see this game in action.  But if you are looking for a description of what is to come, “controlled insanity” might be the best way to summarize TitanFall.  In interviews with Respawn Entertainment devs, TitanFall is said to be designed with a balanced approach to open conflict that avoids one-sided domination by either team.  The game will make newbies feel good about their skills and make skilled players feel incredible, something found in a game like Battlefield but with a smaller learning curve.  All the words in the world can’t really give you a good idea of what to expect, so peruse the web and find your in-game footage videos.  For the moment, enjoy the beta signup video which shows TitanFall’s nearly-finished HD graphics.

Speaking of graphics, TitanFall may not run at 1080p on Xbox One but Respawn Entertainment is working with Microsoft to create a superior upscaling method to narrow the differences in detail between a 720p or 900p image and one set natively at 1080p.  We haven’t heard anything for sure about the final product, only that the game is output at 1080p but whether that’s its native resolution remains to be confirmed.  Graphics aren’t everything, yet they are the most noticeable element of any game.  TitanFall will look good, it’s just a question of how good it will look.